Bible Downloads Download the Truth, and Delete it Not

Download the Truth, and Delete it Not! All Bibles These are pre-rendered ZIP files contain ALL of the Bibles available above.   Compact PDF, letter with words of Christ Underlined all_bibles_pdf_ul_5.0 CSV all_bibles_csv_5.0 Plain Text all_bibles_plain_text_5.0 MySQL Dumps all_bibles_mysql_5.0 SQLite all_bibles_sqlite3_5.0 JSON all_bibles_json_5.0   Misc Bibles These came from third party sources, but we are making them available here. King James Version – 2 column PDF Holy Bible in Hindi, 1851 Outside Websites Below are links to third party sources of FREE Bible downloads. These links are provided for reference and information only. Many or most of these Bibles are critical text and / or not formal equivalent translations. Do your own research   Unbound Bible: Unbound Bible Downloads MySword Bible Downloads eBible Sanskrit Bibles Chinese KJV (Note: Website in Chinese, also available via MySword above)