Bible SuperSearch 4.1.0 has been released!
This new version adds the ability to download Bibles via the API in multiple formats.
With the ‘Enable Downloads Tab’ setting enabled, a tab is added to the API documentation that allows the user to download Bibles. This downloads page can also be added to a WordPress website via a new shortcode in our WordPress plugin.
Features of the downloader include:
- Ability to download multiple files at once, as a ZIP file.
- Ability to cache files for quick download later. No need to render the files for every download.
- Easy control over how long files are cached and how much disk space is used.
- Formats include
- Compact PDF – ready to print, takes up minimal paper
- Plain Text
- Machine Readable plain text
- More formats will be added in the next release
Additional improvements include:
- Embedded API documentation has been made responsive and has been rearranged into nestled tabs
- Rearranging API configuration page into tabs
- Added Chinese Bibles
- Misc bug fixes
Note: Since there was no changes to the user interface itself, so there is no need for a 4.1.0 version of the standalone client.